Build a strategic therapy site that actually works

(minus the side of overwhelm)

web design for therapists & coaches

Sure.. having a pretty website is nice.

BUT- a strategically designed therapy site is way more than just eye candy.

a pic if hands typing on a laptop to illustrate services for web design for therapists and coaches along with squarespace templates.

A great therapy website will help ya...

Fill up your caseload asap.

Watch your sched fill up fast with clients drawn to your unique online presence.

Say byesies to marketing overwhelm

Save time on marketing with a site that works for you 24/7.

Reduce burnout by connecting with best-fit clients

Feel energized working with clients who truly get you and your unique approach.

Confidently charge what you deserve.

Proudly showcase your specialties, deep knowledge, and experience, making it clear why you're worth every penny.

So, whatcha think?

Ready to get all strategic with your therapy site?

from DIY to totally custom

The Shop

Shop Squarespace Templates & Workbooks

The Checkup

Boost Your Current Site with a Custom Plan

The VIP Day

Get Your Dream Website in Just One Day

The word on the street?

What therapists are saying about our work together…

“Ellie made the process so clear and easy and I am thrilled with the results. She's a delight to work with.”

Melissa w.

“Ellie provided detailed templates and resources to help me get started, and offered thoughtful recommendations.”

Leslie V.

“Ellie was attentive and specific with her recommendations and delivered reccomendations in a way that was easy to digest.”

Anna P.
Ellie Miller Therapist SLASH Web DesigneR
a pic of Ellie Miller sitting on a meditation cushion smiling, next to a plant, to illustrate her shop with squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

Being a great therapist is hard enough without stressing about the business side.

I've been there—figuring out taxes (ew).

But web design? I fell googly-eyed in love. Clients repeatedly chose me because of my website, which really drove home just how crucial a great site is.

Now, I help therapists like you build authentic, beautiful websites to attract the right clients—without the overwhelm!

let's be web design buddies

build an authentic, thoughtful site that attracts best fit clients.