Upgrade Your Existing Site Without Starting from Scratch.

The Website Checkup.

You've spent hours crafting your therapy site-

yet it's not attracting clients like you hoped it would.

Man, you put a ton of energy into getting your therapy site just right, and honestly, that’s pretty darn cool.

But what’s the deal with the low traffic and the whole cricket concert when it comes to folks actually reaching out?

a pic if hands typing on a laptop to illustrate services for web design for therapists and coaches along with squarespace templates.
lemme take some stress off your plate <3

You’re already swamped with the whole being a therapist gig.

Not to mention all the buisness-y stuff that comes along with it.

If you have to become a web design expert on top of it all, you might just...Wellll, let's not go there.

How ‘bout we tackle that website puzzle thang together?

Wouldn't it be neat to get a custom website boosting plan…

(without wading through all that techy and design stuff!?)

No more zigzagging through endless research.

No more guessing games on what’ll make your site attract more clients.

Imagine having all that figured out for you, so you can stick to what you do best—

being the awesome therapist that you are.

Let’s make that a reality. 

If your site's lagging, potential clients could be slipping away.

Nearly half of people judge a business's credibility by its web design alone.

(Forbes, 2024)

squarespace websites for therapists & coaches

A compelling site isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential for making solid first impressions and building trust.

(Trust me, I’ve done it. And I’ve got all the tools here to help ya.)

A pic of a notepad to illustrate planning that goes along with squarespace template design and web design for therapists and coaches
a pic if hands typing on a laptop to illustrate services for web design for therapists and coaches along with squarespace templates.
let’s get you connecting with best fit clients through…

The Website Checkup

The Deep Dive


We start with a deep dive into what makes your practice unique. You’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire that helps us understand your goals, challenges, and the clients you dream of serving.

The Analysis & Plan


Next, I roll up my sleeves and analyze your website with a fine-tooth comb. From design to content to user experience, I’ll craft a custom plan that pinpoints exactly what needs to change to get those ideal clients reaching out.

The Insight & Support


Finally, you get a straightforward, no-jargon report packed with actionable insights. Plus, I’m here to guide you through implementing these changes, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way. This will include a written report and screen recorded tips.

hate to break it to ya…

A picture of pereson with a laptop in their lap  illustrate bts of Ellie Miller Design Co. squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

By not investing in your site you're potentially missing out on connecting with clients who are searching for exactly what you offer.

Your Investment for the Website Checkup?  $497


Get a customized plan to boost your site's visibility and connect with ideal clients. Here's how:

A picture of a mac computer on a desk to illustrate bts of Ellie Miller Design Co. squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches
  • Dive deep into your website's design, user experience, and functionality to uncover areas for improvement.

  • Review the effectiveness of your website's messaging and imagery to better engage your audience and convey your therapy approach.

  • Receive a detailed report outlining specific steps you can take to enhance your website's performance and attract more clients, along with a screen recording where I walk through the recs as needed.

  • Access 2 weeks of ongoing email support and guidance as you work to optimize your website based on recs.


The Website Checkup Might Be for You if You Wanna…

Level Up Your Current Site

Ready to give your existing site a boost? We'll help it shine brighter than with a customized gameplan.

Get Expert Guidance & Support

Need a buddy to navigate the web world? I’ve got your back.

Tailor Your Website to You

Make your website truly yours with personalized tweaks that attract best fit clients.

Invest in Your Online Presence

Time to invest in your digital storefront? Let's make sure it's the best on the block.


The Website Checkup might NOT be for you if…

Hands-On Fixes Not Your Style

If you're not into diy fixes, this probably isn’t your best match.

Looking for a Total Revamp?

Want a fresh start? Sometimes, a complete overhaul might be the way to go. Check out the VIP day, it might be more your jam.

Immediate, Hands-Off Results Are Your Goal

If you're not ready to commit just yet, that's totally cool. I’m here for ya when you are. Just a heads up, I only offer 2-3 slots a month to make sure I can deliver value 🙂

You’re a DIY-ER

If you're a DIY aficionado, go ahead and tackle those website tweaks yourself.

Ellie Miller, Therapist & Web Designer

A picture of  Ellie Miller smiling and sitting to illustrate her  squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

You might be thinking, 'Why should I trust Ellie with my website?' Fair question. Here’s why:

  • Been There, Done That: I've walked the same path as you, navigating the complexities of running a therapy practice. I understand the challenges firsthand and have found solutions that work.

  • Passion Turned Profession: Web design isn't just a job for me—it's a passion. My love for creating stunning, effective websites shines through in every project I undertake.

  • Proven Results: I've seen firsthand the impact a well-designed website can have on attracting and retaining clients.

A picture of a computer and office supplies to illustrate  bts of Ellie Miller Design Co. squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

Apply below to snag one of the three monthly slots I offer.