VIP Design Day

You pick the template,

I make it all you.

a picture of a woman with a laptop in her lap holding a latte to illustrate bts of Ellie Miller Design Co. Squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

Therapy & Coaching Websites. Done in a Day.

Walk away from your VIP day with a personalized, dream client attracting site.

Imagine waking up to a calendar filled with appointments because you’re finally showcasing your unique services on a beautiful website…

and, wait a sec... was that a dream client that just landed in your inbox!?

‘Cause you don’t have time for fumbling through DIY web design.

It’s not like you lack dedication or passion. You KNOW your expertise can transform lives, and you’d rather put the bulk of your time into that—or hey, into enjoying life outside of work.

a scrolling mockup of a squarespace template designed by  Ellie Miller Design Co. Squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches
A mockup on an ipad and an iphone of a squarespace template for therapists and coaches designed by Ellie Miller Design Co.

We both know you're a great therapist, but if your site isn't up to par, potential clients will miss the memo.

Your expertise is undeniable, but if your website fails to reflect that, half of your potential clients might never get the chance to know it (Fit Small Business).

A website that's hard to navigate or slow to load doesn't just frustrate visitors—it actively drives them away. In the digital realm, your website's first impression is crucial. 

If your site's lagging, potential clients could be slipping away.

Nearly half of people judge a business's credibility by its web design alone.

(Forbes, 2024)

A compelling site isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential for making solid first impressions and building trust.


Walk away with a gorge site that sounds like you and speaks straight to the folks you want to work with.

  • Take a look at the template shop and pick the one that fits your style. Remember, we’ll tweak colors, font and photography to align with you unique brand.

  • Fill in the blank copywriting workbook ($97)

    Brand Design Kit ($27)

    Blog Starter kit ($27)

    Basic SEO setup ($200)

    Authentic Writing Workbook ($47)

    The Niche & Ideal Client Workbook ($47)

  • Use the easy peasy fill in the bank copy workbook and brand kit so we can make a website that screams YOU!

  • This days all bout you! I’ll style your template to make it uniquely yours with your signature style and copy and you’ll have access to me throughout the day so we can make tweaks and make it just right for you.

A pic of a mac on a desk with plants to illustrate bts work of Ellie Miller Design Co. who created squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

3 Easy Steps

A standout therapy site made just for you.


Fill out the application form below. Limited slots available, I’ll get back to you asap to let you know my current availability



We’ll set up a VIP day, but before we meet, you’ll fill out the copywriting workbook, SEO wksht and brand kit.



It’s our day! Woohoo! We’ll be in contact throughout the day while I focus all on you and getting your new site all pulled together!



Did somebody say bonuses?!

2 Weeks of Support

Access to me for two weeks after our day (to make minor tweaks)—so you can make sure this site is exactly what you were hoping for.

The Blog Toolkit

Get more eyeballs on your gorgeous new site through SEO rich, targeted blog posts. Cuz the blogging process doesn’t have to be hard.

Maintenance Guide

A comprehensive guide on website maintenance best practices, including tips for keeping your site secure, up-to-date, & running smoothly.

A pic of Ellie Miller working at her desk, who created squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches


A great therapy site is your 24/7 money-making partner, attracting clients… even while you catch some Z's.

→Pays for itself (and then some)

Drop $1,997 on VIP Day and watch this: not only do you break even after just 10 sessions at $150 each, but the cherry on top?

You start connecting with the folks who need you most. We’re talking about turning your site into more than just a pretty space—it becomes a magnet for those seeking exactly what you offer.


VIP Day Therapy Website

  • Your pick of website template ($397)

  • Access to me for the full day web design tips and questions (priceless. 😌, but for real, my hourly rate is $200/hr so- $1600)

  • Two week follow up access for small tweaks and questions ($400) Basic SEO setup ($97) A fully complete website that helps fill your sched with best fit clients and takes the guesswork out

  • The Fill in the Blank Copywriting Workbook ($97)

  • The Authentic Voice Writing Workbook ($47)

  • The Niche & Ideal Client Workbook ($47)

  • The Brand Kit ($27)

  • The Blog Kit ($27)

investment: $1,997.00

A pic of a mac on a desk with office supplies to illustrate bts work of Ellie Miller Design Co. who created squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches

Apply below to snag one of the two monthly slots I offer.


Ellie Miller, Therapist & Web Designer

A pic of ellie miller laughing next to plants, smiling. To illustrate her web design business for therapists and coaches that also sells squarespace templates for therapists and coaches

Besides the massive task of being a great therapist, worrying about the business side of things gets stressful quick.

As someone who had to figure it all out on my own, I get it.

Parts of the business (ew, taxes) were daunting. But web design? That was a different story—I fell head over heels for it. I also realized- the main reason clients chose to work with me was often bc of my website, which really drove home the importance of a good website.

Now, I help therapists like you build authentic, beautiful websites to fill their schedules with best fit clients- minus the overwhelm!

I know how much of a surprise it is to find out there's a ton of business-y stuff in running a private practice. It's a lot


The VIP day might be for you if…

You’re Time Conscious

Tired of lengthy website setups? Get your site up and running quickly with our streamlined templates, so you can focus on what matters most—growing your business.

You Don't Feel Like DIYing

Say goodbye to the hassle of DIYing every detail or spending hours on research. Simply choose your template and fill out the planning workbooks.

You’re Budget Savvy

Why break the bank for a beautiful website? With the VIP day you can get a high-end look without the designer price tag.

You want Something Straightforward & Stress Free

You want to focus on your clients, not on troubleshooting a website. I keep it simple, so you can get back to what you do best.

a pic of a woman holding a laptop to illustrate the work of Ellie Miller Design Co, squarespace templates and web design for therapists and coaches.

What other folks have asked me-

  • 1.) Apply work with me by clicking the Apply button

    2.) I’ll send you a few resources for you to fill out so I can make a site that’s all you (copywriting workbook, brand kit, SEO checklist)

    3.) You pick your fave template from the shop

    4.) On your VIP day I’ll put together all the info you give me and adjust the template to be a website that fits your needs! You’ll have access to me throughout the day, and we’ll put our heads together to make sure you love the site.

    5.) Launch your site! Yay! You’ll have access to me for 2 weeks after the VIP day for questions and small tweaks.

  • After your website has been customized and launched, you'll have the opportunity to request minor tweaks or updates during the two-week follow-up period. Additionally, if you need consultation down the road I offer consultation sessions and website reviews (for a fee).

  • $1497

  • Yes, all of our templates are designed to be fully responsive, meaning they will adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Your website will look great and function flawlessly across all devices, ensuring a positive user experience for your visitors.

  • Yup. Here’s what you’ll get:

    Keyword Optimization: Identify relevant keywords related to your client's business and incorporate them strategically into page titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body content.

    Page Titles and Meta Descriptions: Ensure that each page on the website has a unique and descriptive title tag and meta description that accurately summarizes the content and includes relevant keywords.

    Image Optimization: Optimize images by using descriptive file names and adding alt text to help search engines understand the content of the images.

    URL Structure: Customize page URLs to be descriptive and include relevant keywords, making it easier for search engines and users to understand the content of the page.

    Internal Linking: Create a logical and organized internal linking structure within the website to help search engines discover and index all pages effectively.

    Mobile Optimization: Ensure that the website is mobile-friendly and optimized for viewing on various devices, as mobile-friendliness is a crucial factor in search engine rankings.

    SSL Certificate: Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on the website to encrypt data transmitted between the server and the user's browser, which can improve security and potentially boost search engine rankings.

  • VIP Website Design Day Experience

    Before the VIP Day

    Preparation: You'll complete the specialized Workbooks (Copywriting, Brand Kit, and Authentic Voice) to help me understand your brand’s essence.

    Template Selection: Choose your favorite website template for us to customize.

    Pre-VIP Day Briefing: A quick call to finalize details and set expectations.

    VIP Day Overview

    Morning Kick-Off

    Welcome Email at 7 AM: Start your day with a fun welcome email :)

    8:00 AM Video Call: A brief overview of the day's plan, ensuring you’re set for a successful and productive day.

    Morning Session

    8:30 - 10:30 AM Work Block: Kickstarting the design process with your branding and content.

    10:30 AM Check-In: A quick update and feedback session.

    Mid-Morning Break

    Guided Short Break: Encouragement to take a rejuvenating break with tips for relaxation!

    Midday Session

    10:40 AM - 12:30 PM Work Block: Diving deeper into content implementation and design customization.

    11:30 AM Touchpoint: Mid-session check-in for progress updates and feedback.

    Lunch Break

    Enjoy a lunch break on your own to recharge.

    Afternoon Session

    1:00 - 3:00 PM Work Block: Wrapping up design details and reviewing the site’s functionality.

    2:00 PM In-Depth Review: A comprehensive check-in to refine and finalize adjustments.

    Wrap-Up and Celebration

    3:00 - 4:00 PM Final Touches: Last-minute tweaks to perfect your site.

    4:00 PM Closing Call: Reviewing the day’s achievements, discussing next steps, and celebrating your new website!

    VIP Extras

    Instant Messaging: For quick questions and real-time updates throughout the day.

    Email Communication: Preferred for detailed feedback and sharing content.

    After the VIP Day

    Follow-Up Email: A thank you message, project roundup, and details on post-project support.

    Continuous Support

    You’ll have access to me for two weeks post-VIP day for any minor tweaks or questions to ensure your website not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

    Let's make your VIP Website Design Day not just productive, but memorable and enjoyable, setting you up for success with your new, beautifully designed website!

Ready for it?

a picture of a woman typing on a computer to illustrate the work of Ellie Miller Design Co. which sells squarespace templates for coaches and therapists

Snag a spot for a VIP day, walk away with a beautiful, effective therapy site.