11 Signs Your Therapy Practice’s Online Presence Could Use a Refresh

Your therapy practice is a living, breathing entity. As it grows and evolves, so should its image.

But how do you know when it’s time to hit refresh on your branding, website, or overall online presence?

Here are 11 signs that it might be time to update your practice’s image, with practical steps to help you make those changes.

1. Inquiries and Contact Form Emails Are Barely Trickling In

Remember when your inbox used to be full of potential clients reaching out? Now, it’s feeling a little... quiet. If inquiries have slowed down, your online presence might not be connecting with potential clients the way it used to.

Why It Matters:

  • A drop in inquiries can mean that your website isn’t effectively communicating your value or that it’s not as visible as it should be in search results.

  • If clients can’t easily find the information they need or aren’t drawn in by your website, they’re less likely to reach out.

  • → 11 Must Answer Questions on Your FAQ Page

What to Do:

  • Start with a website checkup. Look at your site’s content, design, and SEO. Is your message clear and compelling? Are your services easy to find?

  • Consider refreshing your website with a new squarespace template that’s designed specifically for therapists. A fresh design can make your site more engaging and easier to navigate, encouraging more potential clients to reach out.

2. You’re Attracting the Wrong Clients

You’re spending more time on phone consultations that lead to nowhere or working with clients who just aren’t the right fit. It’s frustrating, and it might be a sign that your branding and messaging need a little tweaking.

Why It Matters:

  • Attracting clients who aren’t aligned with your expertise or approach can be draining and take time away from serving those who truly benefit from your services.

  • Clear, targeted branding helps you attract clients who resonate with your values and approach, making your work more fulfilling and impactful.

What to Do:

  • Revisit your ideal client profile. Who do you want to work with? What are their needs and concerns?

  • Update your website and marketing materials to speak directly to your ideal clients. This might involve revisiting your niche and making sure your messaging is crystal clear.

3. Your Content Feels Stale

Your website and marketing materials should reflect the current state of your practice. If your content feels outdated, generic, or doesn’t resonate with your current approach, it’s time for a refresh.

Why It Matters:

  • Stale content can make your practice seem stagnant and unengaged. Fresh, relevant content helps you connect with clients and build trust.

  • Updating your content also helps with SEO, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

What to Do:

  • Start by updating your website copy. Make sure it’s clear, engaging, and reflects your current practice.

  • Consider using a copywriting workbook to help you craft messaging that resonates with your ideal clients. These tools can guide you through the process, making it easier to find the right words.

4. You’ve Expanded Your Services

You’ve added new services or specialties to your practice—great! But does your branding and website reflect these changes? If not, you might be missing out on potential clients who need exactly what you offer.

Why It Matters:

  • Clients need to know what you offer and how it can benefit them. If your branding doesn’t communicate your full range of services, you might be missing out on potential clients.

  • Expanding your offerings is a great time to revisit your branding and ensure it aligns with your new direction.

What to Do:

  • Update your website to clearly showcase your new services. Make sure it’s easy for clients to navigate and find the information they need.

  • Refresh your branding to reflect your expanded services. This might involve updating your color scheme, or overall design.

5. Your Website Doesn’t Sound Like You

When you first started your practice, you probably just wanted to get your website up and running—maybe you even borrowed ideas from other therapists’ sites you admired.

But now, when you look at it, does it really sound like you? If your website doesn’t feel like it’s capturing your authentic voice, it’s a sign that it’s time for a refresh.

Why It Matters:

  • Your website is often the first impression potential clients have of you. If it doesn’t sound like you, it can create a disconnect that makes it harder for clients to connect with you.

  • Authenticity is key to attracting and retaining clients who resonate with your approach and values.

What to Do:

  • Revisit your brand values and what makes your practice unique. Think about how you can bring more of your personality and approach into your website’s content.

  • Consider using an Authentic Voice Guide to help you refine your messaging. This tool can guide you through the process of finding the right words that truly represent you and your practice.

  • If you’re feeling stuck, a VIP day with a professional (🙋‍♀️) can help you quickly align your website and branding with who you are now, making sure it screams you from the first click.

6. You’re Wasting Time on Phone Consultations That Don’t Pan Out

You’re spending a lot of time on phone consultations, but many of them don’t lead to bookings. This could be a sign that your website isn’t effectively filtering out clients who aren’t a good fit.

Why It Matters:

  • Time spent on consultations that don’t convert into clients is time you could be using to work with those who are a better match.

  • A well-designed website with clear, targeted messaging can help ensure that the clients who reach out are already aligned with your practice.

What to Do:

  • Review the content on your website, particularly the sections that describe your services and approach. Are they clear and specific enough to attract the right clients?

  • Consider adding a FAQ section or a more detailed “About” page to address common questions and help potential clients determine if you’re the right fit for them before they schedule a consultation.

7. Your Clients Are Asking Questions That Should Be Clear

If you’re getting a lot of inquiries asking basic questions—like your hours, location, or services—it might be a sign that your website isn’t as clear as it could be.

Why It Matters:

  • Clients should be able to find the information they need easily. If they’re not, they might move on to a different therapist.

  • A clear, well-organized website helps set expectations and makes it easier for clients to take the next step.

What to Do:

  • Review your website’s layout and content. Is the information clients need front and center?

  • Consider a website checkup to identify areas for improvement. Sometimes, small changes—like updating your navigation or adding a FAQ section—can make a big difference.

→ 11 Must Answer Questions on your FAQ Page for Therapists & Coaches

8. You’ve Outgrown Your Current Branding

As your practice grows and evolves, your branding should evolve with it. What worked when you first started might not be the best fit now.

Why It Matters:

  • Your branding is how clients connect with you. If it feels off or outdated, it can create a disconnect that makes it harder to attract the right clients.

  • Updated branding can help you reach a new audience, refine your niche, and communicate your expertise more effectively.

What to Do:

  • Take a step back and evaluate your branding. Does it still represent who you are and what you offer?

  • If you’re ready for a change, start with the basics: a fresh logo, updated color palette, and new fonts. These small changes can make a big impact.

9. Your Online Presence Feels Disconnected

If your website, social media, and other online platforms don’t feel cohesive, it might be time for a branding refresh.

Why It Matters:

  • A disconnected online presence can confuse clients and make your practice seem less professional.

  • Cohesive branding across all platforms helps build trust and makes it easier for clients to connect with you.

What to Do:

  • Start by evaluating your online presence. Are your logo, colors, and fonts consistent across all platforms?

  • If not, take the time to update each platform so they all align with your current branding. This might involve a full rebrand or just some simple tweaks to ensure consistency.

10. You’re Ready for a New Chapter

Sometimes, the need for a refresh is simply about feeling ready for a change. If you’re entering a new phase of your practice—whether it’s a new location, a new specialty, or just a new outlook—it might be the perfect time to refresh your image.

Why It Matters:

  • A new chapter in your practice deserves a brand that reflects where you are now and where you’re headed.

  • Refreshing your image can help you mark this new chapter and attract clients who are aligned with your new direction.

What to Do:

  • Start by setting clear goals for your refresh. What do you want to achieve with your new branding? How do you want clients to feel when they interact with your practice?

  • Consider a full rebrand or a simple refresh, depending on your needs. Whether it’s a new logo, a revamped website, or updated content, make sure your new image reflects the direction you’re heading.

11. You’re Feeling Burnt Out After Sessions

Let’s be real—therapy work is emotionally demanding, and feeling burnt out now and then is totally normal. But if you’re finding yourself drained after every session, it might be a sign that you’re not working with clients who truly energize and inspire you.

Why It Matters:

  • Constant burnout can be a red flag that your practice isn’t fully aligned with your strengths or interests. Over time, this can affect not only your well-being but also the quality of care you provide.

  • Attracting clients who resonate with your approach and values can lead to more fulfilling and energizing sessions, reducing the chances of burnout.

What to Do:

  • Take a step back and reflect on whether your current branding and messaging are attracting the right kind of clients. Are you connecting with people who align with your passions and therapeutic style?

  • A fresh branding approach, including a logo that speaks to your ideal clients, can help reposition your practice to attract those who truly benefit from your expertise.

  • Consider using branding elements, like colors and fonts, that reflect the kind of energy and atmosphere you want to create in your sessions. This can subtly communicate to potential clients what they can expect and help draw in those who are the best fit for your practice.

Checklist Summary: Questions to Ask When Refreshing Your Practice’s Image

Inquiries & Engagement:

  • Are my website inquiries and contact form emails slowing down?

  • Am I getting the right kind of inquiries, or am I attracting clients who aren’t a good fit?

Brand Alignment:

  • Does my current branding (logo, colors, fonts) still represent who I am and what my practice offers?

  • Do I feel connected to my brand, or does it feel outdated or uninspiring?

Website & Content:

  • Is my website up-to-date and reflective of the services I currently offer?

  • Does my content feel fresh and relevant, or does it seem stale and generic?

  • Are clients finding the information they need easily, or am I getting frequent inquiries about basic details?

Client Experience:

  • Am I spending too much time on phone consultations that don’t lead to bookings?

  • Are my clients asking questions that should be clearly answered on my website?

Growth & Expansion:

  • Have I added new services or specialties that aren’t reflected in my current branding or website?

  • Am I entering a new chapter in my practice that could benefit from a refreshed image?


  • Is my online presence cohesive across all platforms (website, social media, marketing materials)?

  • Are my branding elements (logo, colors, fonts) consistent and recognizable across all channels?

Next Steps

If you found yourself answering “yes” to any of these questions, it’s a clear sign that your therapy practice could benefit from a refresh. But don’t worry—it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here’s what you can do next:

  1. Prioritize Your Needs:

  2. Explore Your Options:

    • Consider what will make the biggest impact for your practice. Whether it’s updating your logo, investing in a new website template, or revisiting your niche with a workbook, choose options that align with your goals and budget.

  3. Take Action:

    • Start making changes! Even small updates can lead to big improvements. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed—sometimes a fresh perspective can make all the difference.

✨Time to Shine

Refreshing your therapy practice’s image isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about staying aligned with your values, connecting with the right clients, and keeping your practice thriving.

Whether you’re adjusting your branding, updating your website, or refining your content, these changes can help ensure that your practice continues to reflect the unique qualities that make you a great therapist.

Remember, change doesn’t have to happen all at once. Take it step by step, and soon enough, you’ll have a refreshed, cohesive brand that you—and your clients—will love. If you’re ready to get started, explore the tools and resources designed to help you.

Need help building your coaching or therapy website?

I’m Ellie, therapist slash web designer. From DIY to support to custom therapy sites, I gotchu covered.


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